10 0 By Penelope Burk In Donor Demographics and ImpactsPosted October 14, 2009Can Giving and Volunteering Thrive Without Religion?…the future of philanthropy in a world where religion has less influence on donors READ MORE
13 0 By Penelope Burk In Donor Demographics and Impacts, Young DonorsPosted July 8, 2009Inspiring Younger Donors…the untapped opportunity represented by donors under 35 READ MORE
7 0 By Penelope Burk In Door-to-Door Fundraising, Fundraising in Poor Economy, Modernizing Fundraising, Stories from or about DonorsPosted May 6, 2009Is There a New Role for an Old Fundraising Program in this Recession?…why canvassing is underrated as a fundraising program that builds relationships READ MORE
13 0 By Penelope Burk In Fundraising in Poor Economy, Stories from or about DonorsPosted March 9, 2009An Unexpected Gift from Donors…how leadership volunteers’ unique influence with donors is undermined by their own lack of confidence in fundraising READ MORE