3 0 By Penelope Burk In Donor Recognition, Door-to-Door Fundraising, Professional FundraisersPosted June 11, 2013Little Gestures with Big Fundraising Implications…how a $1 recognition gift facilitated the lead gift in a capital campaign READ MORE
3 0 By Penelope Burk In Donor-Centered Fundraising, Door-to-Door FundraisingPosted August 12, 2010Donor-Centered Door-to-Door…how to build major gift relationships using an old technique READ MORE
7 0 By Penelope Burk In Door-to-Door Fundraising, Fundraising in Poor Economy, Modernizing Fundraising, Stories from or about DonorsPosted May 6, 2009Is There a New Role for an Old Fundraising Program in this Recession?…why canvassing is underrated as a fundraising program that builds relationships READ MORE