0 0 By Penelope Burk In Donor-Centered Leadership, Management and LeadershipPosted March 21, 2014Too Busy Leading to Learn How to Lead…why external training, not just on-the-job experience, is essential for anyone aspiring to management or leadership READ MORE
0 0 By Penelope Burk In Cause Marketing / Corporate Sponsorship, FundraisingPosted September 13, 2012Donor-Centered Cause Marketing…how to multiply the fundraising advantages of sponsorships where customers contribute $1 or $2 at the check-out counter READ MORE
4 0 By Penelope Burk In Management and Leadership, Professional FundraisersPosted April 2, 2012Managing Young Fundraisers…how to combat rapid turnover of fundraisers under 30 READ MORE
0 0 By Penelope Burk In Management and Leadership, Professional Fundraisers, Staff Turnover in FundraisingPosted March 20, 2012Build It and They Will Beat a Path to Your Door…how to build a pipeline of great candidates for your next job opening in fundraising READ MORE
0 0 By Penelope Burk In Donor-Centered Leadership, Management and Leadership, Professional Fundraisers, Staff Turnover in FundraisingPosted November 22, 2011No, Thanks; You’re Overqualified…the value-added advantages of hiring over-qualified staff READ MORE
5 0 By Penelope Burk In Donor Acquisition, Young DonorsPosted October 2, 2011Street Fundraising: Is it Worth the Effort?…where this controversial fundraising program can truly add value READ MORE
2 0 By Penelope Burk In Board Members / Leadership Volunteers and Fundraising, Management and LeadershipPosted June 28, 2011Your Board of Directors: Fundraising Asset or Liability?…why Boards are reluctant to contribute meaningfully to fundraising READ MORE
6 0 By Penelope Burk In Board Members / Leadership Volunteers and Fundraising, Management and Leadership, Professional FundraisersPosted January 12, 2011Time Waits for No Fundraiser…or Does It?…how fundraisers can help their Boards and CEOs understand the benefits of long-term fundraising READ MORE
5 0 By Penelope Burk In Board Members / Leadership Volunteers and Fundraising, Management and Leadership, Professional FundraisersPosted April 20, 2010Do Volunteers Know What Their Role Is In Fundraising?…more on the confusion among Board members, CEOs and Fundraisers about who is responsible for what when it comes to raising money READ MORE
14 0 By Penelope Burk In Board Members / Leadership Volunteers and Fundraising, Management and Leadership, Professional FundraisersPosted April 6, 2010Opening a Can of Worms…confusion among Board members, CEOs and Fundraisers about responsibility for raising money READ MORE